Curated by Silvia Vannacci with Liang Lisha
2022/08/11 – 2022/10/20
Punctually, the emergence of new technologies leads humanity to confront a series of questions related to the social, economic and emotional implications that may arise from their use. In the current historical moment, the awareness and realization by the masses of the development of new possible digital worlds – the metaverses, virtual and augmented reality – occurs simultaneously with political, health and social emergencies of global reach that have upset our perception of the physical-real world.
A shared and shareable sense of alertness, of disorientation, with respect to the changes we are witnessing, makes us question the potential – perhaps negative? – of technological innovations which, at their initial stage of development, can be corrupted, exploited or bent at the service of unhealthy logic of economy and power, if not even the possible dehumanizing and alienating effect of these on everyday life.
Given the context, therefore, the need arises to analyze the state of things at a deeper level, that of the collective unconscious where archetypes mix with the stresses of the present. Analyzing phenomena such as contemporary mythopoiesis – that is the formation of new mythologies and, by extension, how they transform, act and what they produce – is therefore central and urgent in addressing issues related to the dimensions of politics, society, economy, identity, imagination, memory, history, beliefs.
The myth in its apparitions, interruptions and short circuits – whirlwinds of contaminations in which the places of the conscious and the unconscious lose their boundaries, where everything changes and becomes something else – makes visible the set of behaviors, practices and social customs in the which are the basis of collective ties. From East to West, from ancient China to ancient Greece, the fable, the fairy tale, the fantastic tale, the myth, and sometimes the superstition and its beliefs have told transversally, over the millennia, the present of peoples that generated them.
It is therefore from asking oneself about mythology or, given the vastness of its historical and geographical declinations, about mythologies, in the era in which the technological revolution of the 1950s – also known as the Third Industrial Revolution – is giving way to a new digital revolution much more focused on the virtual world, which is born Mitologie Digitali.
Submissions of original works of multimedia art will be welcomed from August 22 till October 20, 2022.
The Mitologie Digitali China exhibition will be held at the Taizhou Contemporary Art Museum in January, 2023. The Italian one will be on show in the city of Prato from November 27 – December 27, 2022, with a multi-venue exhibition.
Please visiti www.mitologiedigitali.com for more info.